Target reached

Keep the PROTA and PROSEA portal in the air!

100% Reached

€3,000 Raised
€3,000 Our goal

In order to keep the PROTA4U webdatabase in the air, the PROW Fund depends on voluntary contributions for maintenance of content and occasional adjustments of hardware and software.

If you or your institute are among the regular users of this database (or are otherwise supportive of this activity), please consider making a contribution towards its maintenance.

Useful plants to reduce poverty, malnutrition and to contribute to climate smart agriculture

The PROTA4U webdatabase contains extensive information on about 9,000 useful plants of tropical Africa: about 2,000 expert-validated review articles on 4,000 species, and ‘starter-kits’ on the remaining 5,000 species. The PROTA-generated review articles are available in English and in French.

The PROSEA portal contains the 6,700 PROSEA-generated review articles on the useful plants of South-East Asia.

By putting lesser-known useful species in the limelight, PROTA4U helps countries in tropical Africa and South East Asia making better use of their rich plant diversity in agriculture, silviculture, environmental protection and adjusting to climate change.

The database is consulted worldwide about 1,500 times per day, and has about half a million unique visitors each year.

The impact of your gift

With your gift we can keep the databases online and accessible. We will use your gift for maintenance of content and occasional adjustments of software and hardware. 

Thank you in advance for your gift!



During the period 2000–2013, the ‘Plant Resources of Tropical Africa’ Foundation (PROTA) built an elaborate information system on about 9,000 useful plants of tropical Africa.

Unfortunately the PROTA Foundation had to be dissolved by lack of sufficient financial donor support.

Wageningen University entrusted recently the custody of the PROTA4U webdatabase to the ‘Plant Resources of the World’ Fund (PROW), a not-for-profit Fund under the independent University Fund Wageningen, that also keeps the PROTA books and CDs in the market.